chase creativity

Creativity finds us in unusual ways and sometimes, no matter what wavelength we're hanging out on, connecting with your inner-Pablo just doesn't happen at all? Have you ever hit a bump in the road, or maybe your creative 'mo-jo' needs a little kick in the pants? Amen, sister! We've all been there...
When I was recently struggling to find new inspiration, a good friend and mentor offered up two great tips: ONE--to give myself a break. To take the pressure off because, as we all know, and sometimes forget, you're never at your best when you're forcing it! This good friend also followed with TWO: "Why not try something new, something out-of-the-ordinary? Why not let your curiosity lead the way?" Hmmmm....

Well, I've followed that great advice and things have changed for me. I've given myself permission to not be so hard on myself and I've added a few quirky new things to my daily routine. I mixed it up a bit; by design. And it's working--the ideas that are bubbling up in my head are different and uniquely-me and have gifted me some renewed energy and enthusiasm.

So thanks wise and sage mentor--for always having my back and for offering me great advice in those moments when I need them most. And to you, the reader, are you in a funk? Looking for that idea that will blow the doors off? Why not make a list of those things that you've never done or have always wanted to do and give it a go!? Or, if that list doesn't exist--why not google-up a totally off-the-wall, new hobby or event to take part in? Try something outside of your comfort zone or something totally new and unique, and let it be your compass toward your next BIG idea.
