spark creativity

Change is uncomfortable. Plain and simple. That's why we're so content to chose 'safe' or to opt into our secure 'bubble' in a pinch. When we make a consciences decision to venture outside our comfort zone it makes sense that we start to discover new ways of thinking. Consider trying a new group fitness class, change up your work location, take an on-line tutorial on something you already an expert on. Take the routine out and add some randomness to your your day and you'll be surprised with what you might find.

Get moving! I've come up with some of best ideas while on a long run, strolling with friends or when I'm walking the dog. Give yourself an hour to get those endorphins going and see what bubbles up. Bonus--after any brisk activity your brain and body will feel great too!

Last week a friend asked me to attend a 'Paint + Sip'--I'd rather swallow spoons! Instead of shooting down the idea, I said 'YES' and was proven completely WRONG! I had an unbelievable night drinking great wine, learning new painting techniques and meeting new friends. I met an artist who I've now formed a friendship with--who is full of wisdom and had much sage advice for me when I mentioned that I had started a small business. Who would have thought!? 

Find your people and stick with them--they get you, they want you to succeed and they think similarly (yet, a little different). Plan to get together regularly. Bounce ideas off one another, pick each others brains, listen to what projects they have on the go--you never know what NEW idea might pop into your head along the way! Even if 'your' people aren't close by, consider an e-mail thread or FB group. I have organically created an e-mail list that I've fondly  nicknamed my 'CREATIVE COUNCIL'. This council consists of a few select super-creative friends from around the U.S. and Canada. I value their opinions and when I e-mail the group a new idea--it is amazing the thoughtful, insightful and creative ideas and feedback that is returned! 

'Nuf Said. Turn the long list of technology off---TV, phone, iPad, tablet, wireless headphones, computer. Give your brain a break and allow it time to soak up something slowly and organically. It's amazing how our brain works when it pauses.

Turn times of sadness, frustration and anger into productive moments. Learn to decompress with a notepad or sketchpad in those moments when you'd rather be crying or yelling, or both. When Trump was elected, I didn't know what to think--so I put pencil to paper and came up with mavisBLUE's mini-poster line--pandas, penguins and clouds. I absolutely love these drawings and yet, it's funny to think that they came out of a morning of blue'ness! 

Do any of these ring true for you? Have you been looking for a few foul-proof ways to help ramp up your daily creativity? Well--steal away! And of course, let us know how you make out!​